ICCC 2023

2023 the 9th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC)

2023 the 9th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC) was held in Chengdu, China (Wangjiang Hotel/成都望江宾馆) once again on December 8-11, 2023.

This year’s conference includes technical paper presentation, invited talks and plenary lectures. Our distinguished guests as the keynote speakers include Prof. Zhongfeng Wang (Fellow of IEEE), Nanjing University; Prof. Zhiwei Xu, from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Prof. Linglong Dai (Fellow of IEEE), from Tsinghua University; Prof. Dusit Niyato (Fellow of IEEE), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Prof. Yutaka Ishibashi, from Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan. Thanks for coming to share your expertise knowledge.

ICCC2023 have an exciting four days Planned Conference. There will be over 400 presentations divided into 20 onsite sessions and 22 online sessions, 5 Keynote Speakers, 16 Invited Speakers and 1 Tutorial Session.

ICCC 2023 conference proceedings has been included in IEEE Xplore, and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.










12月9日,由四川省电子学会和IEEE联合主办, 西南交通大学、电子科技大学、四川大学、成都理工大学、成都信息工程大学等高校协办的第九届计算机与通信国际会议(ICCC 2023)在成都望江宾馆隆重开幕!四川省电子学会常务理事、电子科技大学通信抗干扰全国重点实验室主任唐万斌教授,之江实验室智能芯片与器件研究中心主任马建国教授,西南交通大学计算机与人工智能学院党委书记,四川省工业软件技术研究院院长,综合交通大数据应用技术国家工程实验室副主任李天瑞教授,IEEE Fellow 、AAIA Fellow、VLSI Signal Processing 领域专家,南京大学王中风教授,中国科学院计算技术研究所研究员、学术委员会主任徐志伟教授,国家杰青、优青,清华大学戴凌龙教授,IEEE Fellow、新加坡南洋理工大学Dusit Niyato教授,日本名古屋大学Yutaka Ishibashi教授等出席会议。

“高质量的学术会议,当以推动基础研究和促进科技、经济融合的建设为己任,以此促进跨领域、跨学科的创新合作。”开幕式上,四川省电子学会常务理事、电子科技大学通信抗干扰全国重点实验室主任唐万斌教授表示,ICCC 2023大会研讨的主题,既有前瞻性的研究,也有最热门的应用,值得倾力将其打造成为四川本土的品牌学术会议。大会主席、浙江之江实验室智能芯片与器件研究中心主任马建国教授、大会程序委员会主席、西南交通大学李天瑞教授分别代表组委会发言。开幕式由大会组委会联合主席、四川大学杨阳教授主持本次会议。

大会为期四天,设有5场主旨报告、16场特邀报告,1场主题研讨会, 42场专题讨论会。专题讨论会分别安排在12月9-10日下午,以及11日全天。专题讨论会主题包括:无线通信与数据传输、通信与信息系统、现代密码学与编码理论、数字通信网络资源管理与路由算法、基于机器学习的数据模型与智能计算、移动网络与边缘计算、信号分析与处理方法、信号检测与识别、 基于图像的智能检测及识别技术,5G与超5G技术及关键应用,下一代通信网络技术与未来发展,数字图像处理与计算机视觉,信号采集,测量及处理方法,图像识别,机器学习与算法,计算机系统与软件开发等。每个分会场将选出最佳报告奖,由讨论会负责主席签发特别证书,大会还特别设置优秀文章奖。




Accoring to the review of the organizing committee and discussion organizing committee meeting, There are 9 papers are seleceted as "Best Paper". In addition, the conference was composed of 42 technical oral online sessions. Each parallel session went through smoothly and a “Best Presentation” award was issued at the end of sub-conference, with the support of session chairs.

Best Papers Winners of ICCC 2023

C057: Optimization of Image Transmission in UAV-Enabled Semantic Communication Networks
Xiancai Yao1, Jianchao Zheng1, Xin Zheng1, Huadong Dai1 and Xiaolong Yang2
1Academy of Military Sciences of PLA, China
2Beijing Information Science and Technology University (BISTU), China

C073 Reinforcement-Learning-Based Scheduling for Age of Information Optimization in MEC Multi-User Network
Ke Gao, Yuchao Chen, Guozhi Chen and Jintao Wang
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

C115: Dynamic Access Control for LEO Satellite Networks Based on Reinforcement Learning
Tao Feng1, Gaofeng Nie1, Hui Tian1, Bo Zhang2 and Yaozhong Zhao2
1State Key Lab. of Networking and Switching Technology, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China
2China Huaneng Yimin Open Coal Mine, Hulunbuir, China

C219: Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Covert Transmission Scheme With Integrated Sensing and Communication
Qingzhuan Lin1, Jinsong Hu1, Shihao Yan2, Xiaobo Zhou3, Youjia Chen1, Feng Shu4,5
1College of Physics and Information Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, China
2School of Science and Security Research Institute, Edith Cowan University, Australia
3Institute of Intelligent Agriculture, School of Information and Computer, Anhui Agricultural University, China
4School of Electronic and Optical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China
5School of Information and Communication Engineering, Hainan University, China

C316: Skeleton-based Action Recognition with Multi-stream, Temporal-Channel Enhanced Graph Convolution Network Tuo Zang1, Jianfeng Tu1, Mengran Duan1 and Lingfeng Liu1,2
1East China Jiaotong University, China
2Jiangxi Minxuan Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. China

C422: Using Deep Reinforcement Learning for 5G RAN Slicing Resource Allocation in New Power Load Management System Ding Ma, Yang Wang, Sai Wu and Wanqiao Wang
China Electric Power Research Institute, China

C478: Multi-modal Recommendation based on Knowledge Graph
Xi Chen, Yuehai Wang and Jianyi Yang
Zhejiang University, China

C485: Low Rank Matrix Completion Based Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation for RIS-Assisted OFDMA System:
Zhen Chen1, Fangming Wu1, Lei Huang1, Xiu Yin Zhang2
1School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Shenzhen University, China
2School of Electronic and Information Engineering, South China University of Technology, China

C557: Implementation of a Low-Complexity Pre-Equalizer for Visible Light Communications
Runxin Zhang, Jian Xiong, Menghan Li and Lu Lu
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

C1016: EEG-based Emotion Recognition using Crystal Graph Convolutional Neural Networks with Functional Connectivity and Spatial-Frequency Features
Xiaoyong Wu, Angus Wong, Benjamin K. Ng, Chan-Tong Lam
Faculty of Applied Sciences, Macao Polytechnic University, Macao, China

Congratulations! Excellent Paper Presentation Winners

Onsite Session 1:
C334: Novel Construction and Decoding of Polar Product Codes with SPC Codes
Presented by: Yue Xu, Southeast University, China

Onsite Session 2:
C343: Experimental Evaluation of UG2AG Wireless Communication Channel for LoRaWAN-based Underground Infrastructure Monitoring
Lei Lei, Tongji University, China

Onsite Session 3:
C324: Joint Phase Shift and Deployment Optimization for Multi-RIS-aided Emergency Communications
Presented by: Huanwen Wang, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China

Onsite Session 4:
C459: Robust Adaptive Beamforming Based on Interference Covariance Matrix Reconstruction and LS criterion
Presented by: Yaohui Zhang, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

Onsite Session 5:
C281: A 5G-TSN Joint Scheduling Mechanism Considering Finite Buffer in DS-TT
Presented by: Xinyu Hu, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China

Onsite Session 6:
C219: Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Covert Transmission Scheme with Integrated Sensing and Communication
Presented by: Qingzhuan Lin, Fuzhou University, China

Onsite Session 7:
C500: Air-Ground Cooperative Asynchronous Online Federated Learning with Misaligned Over-The-Air Computation
Presented by: Yulong Zhao, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China

Onsite Session 8:
C491: MP-MIENN: predicting multifunctional peptides by neural network with multiangle initialization embedding
Presented by: Jing Xu, Guizhou University, China

Onsite Session 9:
C469: Fundamental Localization Limits of Quantized Uplink mmWave MIMO Systems in Moving Scenarios
Presented by: Qinyan Zeng, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

Onsite Session 10:
C413: Cross-Modal Multi-Source Public Data Fusion and Retrieval using Knowledge Distillation Method
Presented by: Zichen Huang, State Key Laboratory of Public Big Data, Guizhou University, China

Onsite Session 11:
C378: Adaptive Coding Enables Fast and Light-weight Path Recovery in Topology-dynamic FANETs
Presented by: Luwei Fu, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

Onsite Session 12:
C467: Binaural Audio Synthesis with the Structured State Space sequence model
Presented by: Kentaro Kitamura, Hosei University, Japan

Onsite Session 13:
C277: GROAMP-Net: An Intelligent Signal Detection Method for Massive MIMO Systems
Presented by: Ziyan Zhao, Communication Networks Academy of Network & Communications of CETC, China

Onsite Session 14:
C1024-A: Assessment of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) at Municipal Workplace in South Georgia, USA
Presented by: Jingjing Yin, Georgia Southern University, USA

Onsite Session 15:
C394: An Effective and Head-Friendly Long-Tailed Object Detection Network with Improving Data Enhancement and Classifier
Presented by: Gong Huiyun, Beihang University, China

Onsite Session 16:
C001: Improved Semi-Persistent Scheduling Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Mathematics in Cyberspace Mimic Defense
Presented by: Siyu Cao, South China University of Technology, China

Poster Session 1:
C422: Using Deep Reinforcement Learning for 5G RAN Slicing Resource Allocation in New Power Load Management System
Presented by: Ding Ma, China Electric Power Research Institute, China
C077: User Grouping and Power Allocation for Downlink NOMA System with Statistical CSI
Presented by: Zhuo Han, Zhengzhou University, China

Poster Session 2:
C054: A Sum-Difference Amplitude-comparison Direction-Finding Method Using 5G RSS
Presented by: Yuji Li, Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
C270: Graph Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning Based Routing for Mega LEO Satellite Constellations
Presented by: Senbai Zhang, Army Engineering University of PLA, China

Poster Session 3:
C371: Image Classification of Alzheimer's Disease Based on ViT-Random Forest Model
Presented by: Wenyuan Mao, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
C434: Multi-level Context Aggregation Network for Skin Lesion Segmentation
Presented by: Hang Zhang, Hubei University of Technology, China

Poster Session 4:
C314: Interface Design for Analog Front-End Chips in Battery Management Systems
Presented by: Guowei Shi, School of Information Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China, China
C310: Flexible Iterative Synthesis of Equiripple Filtering Functions
Presented by: Xiaohui Ren, University of Science and Technology of China, China

Online Session 1:
C278: Informer-Based Channel Prediction in Wideband Massive MIMO Systems
Presented by: Yanqing Wang, University of Science and Technology of China, China

Online Session 2:
C542: A Binary Cryptographic Algorithm Identification Method Based on Complementary Features
Presented by: Hantao Dong, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

Online Session 3:
C014: Self-supervised Object Detection Network From Sound Cues Based on Knowledge Distillation with Multimodal Cross Level Feature Alignment
Presented by: Shibei Liu, Jiangnan University, China
&C225 Efficient Neighbor Discovery for Wide-Range FANET with Non-Uniform Directional Beams
Presented by: Siting Ruan, Key Lab. of WOC-CAS, University of Science and Technology of China, China

Online Session 4:
C263: Joint AP clustering and beamforming in IRS-aided User-Centric Networks
Presented by: Tao Luo, University of Science and Technology of China, China
C425 An Intelligent Routing Approach for SDN Based on Improved DuelingDQN Algorithm
Presented by: Junyi Wang, Zhengzhou University, China

Online Session 5:
C505: A 1.5V 500MHz Fully Differential CMOS Sample and Hold Circuit Using Double Sampling
Presented by: Chenchen Ye, School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Soochow University, China

Online Session 6:
C290: A convert communication system based onsteganography over live streaming
Presented by: Xiang Du, Chengdu Jiaozi Blockchain Industry Innovation Center CO., LTD. China

Online Session 7:
C040: Optimizing Community Detection in Complex Networks by Regrouping Gateways
Presented by: Luo Hongli, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

Online Session 8:
C268: Phase design and trajectory optimization of IRS-assisted UAV-ISAC system
Presented by: Lewen Zhao, North China Electric Power University, China
C396: EKR: An Efficient K-anycast Routing in UAV Networks
Presented by: Kun Guo, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China

Online Session 9:
C051: Incentive-based task matching with evolving preferences in distributed fog computing: A trust-aware approach
Presented by: Lei Yan, Inspur, China

Online Session 10:
C244: Bidirectional Multi-modal Attention for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
Presented by: Wenshan Shen, Shanxi Normal University, China

Online Session 11:
C173: Edge Detection in Dark Industrial Environments
Presented by: Dongdong Jing, Shenyang Institute of Computing Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Online Session 12:
C395: Brain Visual Stimulus Reconstruction Using a Three-Stage Multilevel Deep Fusion Model
Presented by: Zhenxuan Tang, Northeastern University, China

Online Session 13:
C402: Intrusion Detection with Set-Valued Classification: Leveraging Dempster-Shafer Theory and Deep Learning
Presented by: Licheng Wu, Shanghai University, China

Online Session 14:
C141: U-shaped Split Federated Learning: An Efficient Cross-Device Learning Framework with Enhanced Privacy-preserving
Presented by: Zihang Zhao, Beijing Wuzi University, China

Online Session 15:
C533: Sci-CoT: Leveraging Large Language Models for Enhanced Knowledge Distillation in Small Models for Scientific QA
Presented by: Yuhan Ma, South China Normal University, China

Online Session 16:
C435 Research on Sentiment Analysis and Personalized Recommendation Based on Agricultural Product Reviews
Presented by: Fang Pan, Nanjing Tech University, China

Online Session 17:
C153: Adaptive Repartition Heuristic for the Two-Echelon Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls
Presented by: Jiayuan Yang, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Online Session 18:
C150: Hermes: An Efficient Building Block for RDMA Incast in Datacenters
Presented by: Yuzhen Su, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

Online Session 19:
C444: HiFi-Sim: A High-Fidelity Simulation Platform for Intelligence Assessment of USV
Presented by: Ziyu Liu, Huzhou University, China

Online Session 20:
C291: Power Allocation for STAR-RIS-Assisted C-V2X System over 3D Non-Stationary Wideband Channel
Presented by: Fang Han, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

Online Session 21:
C423: Ambient power-enabled Internet of Things: 3GPP Standardization Process
Presented by: Hua Song, China Mobile Research Institute, China

Online Session 22:
C373: Content-Adaptive Acceleration for Block-based Learned Image Compression
Presented by: Chenyuan Xu, Peking University, China

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