ICCC Awards | ICCC 奖项

Best Paper Award | 优秀论文奖

1. For ICCC regitered papers only. 仅针对ICCC注册文章
2. The first author of the paper registered. 注册文章第一作者
3. Oral Presentation Type. 做口头报告的演讲形式
4. Winners will be selected by the Program Committees. 程序委员会将评选出优秀论文奖

Best Oral Presentation Award | 最佳口头报告奖

For every session, one best oral presentation will be selected by session chairs according to the originality, applicability, Technical Merit, PPT and English.

Best Poster Presentation Award | 最佳海报展示奖

For every poster session, one best poster presentation will be selected by session chairs according to the originality, applicability, Technical Merit, POSTER.

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